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Medium Stegodon Tusk

Medium Stegodon Tusk

Regular price $1,950.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,950.00 USD
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On offer is an EXTREMELY rare fully mineralized Stegodon tusk from Indonesia, estimated to be between one and two million years old.

The Stegodon was a huge European precursor to our modern-day elephants and had tusks up to 13 feet long.

In Indonesia, however, they became a pygmy species, sometimes no larger than a Musk Ox, with tusks to match.

This exceptional fossilized specimen, thirteen and a half inches long and four inches wide, weighing over five and a half pounds, is comprised entirely of the mineral Aragonite, which has completely replaced the cell structure of the original tusk. It was dug from a cave in Indonesia and professionally prepared by local experts. Note that the base of the tusk still shows the original bone structure!

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